
August 7, 2019

Discuss the most commonly used predictors and criteria for job selection

Paper answering the following questions: Discuss the most commonly used predictors and criteria for selection (selecting someone for a job)? Why do you think they are most commonly used? How effective do you think they are and why? Please provide any “real world” examples. APA style with citations and 2 […]
August 7, 2019

Discuss the fundamental premises of Organizational Humanism

Discuss the Hawthorne Experiments. What was learned as a result of the Hawthorne Experiments? Define “Hawthorne Effect.” 3. Differentiate between the formal organization and the informal organization. 4. Discuss Barnard’s concept of the zone of indifference. Why does it help managers when we as employees have a very broad “zone […]
August 7, 2019

Expository paper on Presidential Preparedness Directive and Preparedness Revisited

Among local and state plans, policies and procedures, emergency management personnel are more frequently required to have a knowledge of federal homeland security and emergency management directives. Therefore, for this week’s assignment, read Presidential Preparedness Directive – 8, PPD – 8 (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site., […]
August 7, 2019

Creation of a fire department

Write a paper with at least 4 or more pages of content for this assignment. The content should be a re-design of fire protection for a community. If you were to create a fire department today for your community, how would it look. Describe the components of the department and […]
August 7, 2019

In your community, how do you see one or more of the international business strategies of franchising, management contracts, and e-business changing how local businesses conduct business?

Discussion Board Question: Every day we see more and more impact locally from international business decisions. In your community, how do you see one or more of the international business strategies of franchising, management contracts, and e-business changing how local businesses conduct business? Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of each […]