
December 13, 2019

Analysis of relationship of self-esteem (ScoreOne) and productivity (ProdOne)

Imagine a researcher is interested in examining the relationship of self-esteem (ScoreOne) and productivity (ProdOne). The researcher is also interested in the ability to predict the productivity of teachers using years of teaching (Experience) as the predicting variable. Use the “teachersurvey.sav” data set to conduct the analysis involving ScoreOne, ProdOne, […]
December 13, 2019

Hypothesis Testing and Two-Group t Test

Now that you have run descriptive statistics with your data, it is time to create a hypothesis and test your hypothesis. This part of the Statistics Project will take you through the process of creating and testing your hypothesis through statistical methods, using Microsoft® Excel®. Creating hypotheses provides you the […]
December 13, 2019

Analyze one-way and two-way ANOVA Tests

Instructions Download the EDR-8201 Week 5 Worksheet found in this week’s resources and use it to complete this assignment. Imagine a researcher is interested in examining the psychological impact of principals’ perceived conflict-management style on teachers’ productivity. In this case, the researcher is interested in the relationships among teachers’ self-esteem, […]
December 13, 2019

Analyze Independent & Dependent Samples t-Tests

Week 4 – Assignment: Analyze Independent and Dependent Samples t-Tests (15 Points) Download the EDR-8201 Week 4 Worksheet found in this week’s resources and use it to complete this assignment. This week, you will complete two exercises related to both independent and dependent t-tests. Part 1: Independent Samples t-Test: Imagine […]
December 13, 2019

Analyze Central Tendency and Variability

Part of the goal of this assignment is to explore the various tools under the ANALYZE tab in SPSS to become more comfortable with these features. In this SPSS assignment, you will increase your understanding of descriptive statistics involving central tendency and variability of data. 1. Split the file by […]