
December 13, 2019

Calculate the Pearson product-moment correlations between at least two sets of variables in the Happiness and Engagement Dataset.

For this assignment, you will calculate the Pearson product-moment correlations between at least two sets of variables in the Happiness and Engagement Dataset. Perform one correlation between two independent variables, such as Age and Relationship with Coworkers. Perform the second correlation on an independent variable (such as Relationship with Direct […]
December 13, 2019

The Effect of Perioperative Restrictive Fluid Therapy on Postoperative Edema and Ecchymosis in Rhinoplasty

1. Identify the main research question(s) of the study. 2. Review and discuss the Methods section of each article follow the sub-sections below: a. Identify the study design. b. Report the sample size, power, and sampling methods used. c. Report the variables (indicators) explored/analyzed in the study. a. Independent/Predictor/Explanatory. Quantitative/Qualitative. […]
December 13, 2019

Analyze a Chi-Square Test

Assume a researcher is interested in gathering information related to the distribution of teachers used in a research sample; or, if the surveyed teachers were evenly distributed across gender, across topic area, and gender across topic area. Download the SPSS data set “teachersurvey.sav.” Not all of the variables in this […]
December 13, 2019

Calculate a one-way ANOVA for an independent group

As you get closer to the final project in Week 6, you should have a better idea of the role of statistics in research. This week, you will calculate a one-way ANOVA for the independent groups. Reading and interpreting the output correctly is highly important. Most people who read research […]
December 13, 2019

Comparing Means Worksheet

The following questions require that you access Microsoft® Excel® for analysis. The team must work together to solve these questions. The data set for this assignment is located in the Pulse Rate Dataset. 1. John is interested in determining if frequency of exercise affects pulse rate. John randomly samples individuals […]