
May 23, 2019

Is Banking Legislation Effective?

For this essay, please respond to the question below: Is Banking Legislation Effective? (From when the FED was formed in 1913, or any other benchmark legislation since then, especially Glass-Stegall, GLB (Gramm, Leach, Bliley), or Dodd-Frank.)
May 23, 2019

Trading in a pit market and Ebay

Choose suitable product that is known and easy to reach, let’s say for example ( Calendar set, Or something form Kitchen (Knives, spoons, Mugs, cups).
May 23, 2019

Why, according to an economist, should implicit costs be included in the total cost of your product to compute economic profit?

Fixed explicit costs (annually): Technology (Web design and maintenance) $5,000 Postage and handling $1,000 Miscellaneous $5,000 Equipment $4,000 Overhead $1,000 TOTAL Explicit Fixed Costs (annual) $16,000 Fixed implicit costs (annually): Lost wages from job given up (annual) $50,000 Variable cost = $20 per book. Part 1: Assume that the equation […]
May 23, 2019

Economic, political, and cultural development in USA, Australia, Canada, China, Saudi Arabia, Democratic Republic of Congo, France, Germany, Great Britain, Italy and Japan

This assignment will help students master research and other analytical skills and will help students recognize reasons why economic growth varies by country. By using macroeconomic indicators, students will complete analysis and determine comparative and absolute advantage in different product categories for each country’s economy. Assignment Steps Resources: Tutorial help […]
May 23, 2019

Although it is a firm prediction of Akerlof’s market for lemons, the adverse selection death spiral has never been observed in the real world, true or false?

Directions: Type written answers in 12-point font or better. Submit to the drop box on blackboard. Homework is due Tuesday, March 12, by midnight. True, False, Uncertain (18 pts) State whether each of the following statements is true, false or uncertain.  Explain and support your answer.  There is not necessarily […]