
March 10, 2020

Similarities between Gregor’s experience in The Metamorphosis

Write a 1,300-word comparison paper that shows the similarities between Gregor’s experience in The Metamorphosis and the experiences of a group of people in “real life”, such as senior citizens, persons with a specific disability, persons with a specific health issue, prisoners, etc. (choose one specific group).
March 10, 2020

What is the value of multicultural literature?

As you read the authors associated with this literary genre, you may have imagined living through the eyes of another. How is this important in today’s world? Write a 700- to 1,050-word essay on the value of multicultural and transnational literature that includes the following: A description of the value […]
March 10, 2020

Should the use of surveillance be adopted on social media by the Chinese government in order to oversee their citizens who disagree with the political system of China?

Essay title: Should the use of surveillance be adopted on social media by the Chinese government in order to oversee their citizens who disagree with the political system of China? Please provide the essay structure like this: Paragraph 1: Introduction(Stance: Yes, should adopt.)+(outlines of arguments) Paragraph 2: First Argument Paragraph […]
March 10, 2020

Can civilized identity be reversed?

Write on regression from civilzed identity. PROMPT: Can civilized identity be reversed? Can people regress to a primitive state, back to “the cave,” back to the promordial jungle, and descend into evil or bestiality,either temporarily or perhaps permanently? Use O’Brien’s “The sweetheart of the song Tra Bong”pg 85-110 and “Ghost […]
March 10, 2020

Analyze how one part affects the whole media production.

For this media analysis, you will analyze how one part affects the whole media production. Note that you should select only a single piece of media; you should not be discussing more than one film, for example. You should choose one1 of the following parts to explore:  Genre: Explain […]