
November 8, 2019

US History Research Paper

The core assignment of this course is a documented research paper (1500-2000 words in length = approx. 3 – 4 pages double spaced, 12-point font). The paper should support a thesis statement with information gained from research or investigation. The paper will not be just a report presenting information, but […]
November 8, 2019

Changing nature of warfare in relation to the use of new technologies, specifically at sea, in relation to international law and traditional views concerning neutrality at sea

Technology and International Affairs 3-5 pages AHL editorial staff has taken notice of your previous pieces and believes you are now ready for a more challenging assignment. Not only will this assignment be more challenging, but also our editorial staff will be assessing your performance more carefully and more stringently. […]
November 8, 2019

Which Renaissance artist do you admire the most?

RESEARCH PAPERS: Use the links provided to answer the research assignments. Your response should be at least 250 words in length. Type your response and save it as a Word document. The assignment will be submitted through Turnitin and will be checked for plagiarism, so be sure to use your […]
November 8, 2019

Video – Synopsis: Vladimir Lenin

Click the link below to watch the video on the life of revolutionist Vladimir Lenin. Write a 250-word synopsis of his life describing those events that stand out to you as leading to his revolutionist thought. Link to video is
November 8, 2019

Discuss life during the Middle Ages.

RESEARCH PAPERS: Use the links provided to answer the research assignments. Select three topic to discuss. Your response should be at least 250 words in length. Type your response and save it as a Word document. The assignment will be submitted through Turnitin and will be checked for plagiarism, so […]