
September 4, 2019

History of the Federal Bureau of Investigation

In an essay of three (3) pages please: •In your introduction, give a brief history of the Federal Bureau of Investigation. What are the qualifications to become an FBI agent? •In the body of your report, discuss the priorities for the FBI as listed in your text, based on the […]
September 4, 2019

What are the different types of police corruption?

General Expectations for Reflective Writing Assignments Papers should be no less than two (2) double-spaced reflections of the assigned topic. Please submit as a Microsoft Word Document. Topics will be assigned by the instructor. What are the different types of police corruption? What themes run through the findings of the […]
September 4, 2019

In the Interest of Justice research paper

Topic : The decision of the prosecutor to files charges, prosecute, plea bargain etc. This assignment requires you to conduct basic background research (e.g., search the library and other sources for journal articles, books, and other relevant publications), critically analyze available information (e.g., understand and make sense of it), logically […]
September 4, 2019

Justification based on duress and the justification of necessity discussion

In an essay of three (3) pages please: •In your introduction, define these two affirmative defense concepts: Excuses and Justification. •In the body of your report, discuss these two affirmative defenses. Justification based on duress and the justification of necessity. How are they similar and different? •When are these defenses […]
September 4, 2019

Youth in the criminal justice system

Problem Statement: Describe the social problem selected for your paper. Outline: Using the sample below as a guide, provide an outline for your Final Paper. Remember that papers are expected to define a significant problem faced by the justice system, describe the scope and consequences of the problem, and discuss […]