
May 13, 2019

Why is nonverbal behavior important in a group meeting?

Answer the following questions, providing detailed explanations and specific examples with each response. Why is nonverbal behavior important in a group meeting? If you disagree with what everyone else in the group is saying, what should you do? In this week’s notes, the seven steps of the reflective thinking method […]
May 13, 2019

Should the sentence for a crime be left up to the legislatures to determine, or should judges have more control over the sentences?

At the federal level, sentences are largely determined by sentencing guidelines that determine the amount of jail time an offender will receive. At the state level, many legislatures have adopted “three strike” laws that require a three-time convicted felon to automatically receive a sentence of life without parole. Should the […]
May 13, 2019

How important is it for a leader to be an effective communicator?

How important is it for a leader to be an effective communicator? How important is it that this leader’s communication be free from spelling, grammatical and factual errors? Share with the class, an example of someone in a leadership position, whose effectiveness was reduced by weak or sloppy written or […]
May 13, 2019

How can a customer protect against that single point of failure? Provide an analysis on whether this presents a good cost-benefit trade-off

Initial Post Question – Post your response to the following question on the discussion board Telecommunication network providers and users are concerned about the single point of failure in the “last mile”, which is the single cable from the network provider’s switching station to the customer’s premises. How can a customer protect […]