
January 15, 2019

Do you believe that Mr. Schmidt’s attorneys have a good defense?

Read the New York Times article posted on the discussion board. The discussion should center on the core questions posted for the article and carefully reflect on comments posted by other students. VW Executive Charged in Emissions Case Says He Was a Bit Player. The New York Times, February 25, 2017 Discussion Questions: […]
January 15, 2019

Describe a company that you believe represents the 4Cs well

“The Death of the 4Ps?” Watch the video below and thenrespond to the questions that follow:Link for (2014, May 28).Coty, Inc: The death of the four p’s ofmarketing[Video ±le]. Retrieved from Describe a company that you believe represents the 4Cs well, andprovide examples of why you believe they are […]
January 15, 2019

Which country does the most good for the world?

GlobalBased on the video, Simon Anholt: Which country does the most good for the world? (TedTalk, 2014),what is the “good” you see the United States doing in one of the categories? h±ps:// What could we as individuals, and as a country (United States), do to be more empathetic and moveourselves […]
January 15, 2019

Of the theories discussed in this week’s readings, which is the most important to you in your current profession and why?

Of the theories discussed in this week’s readings, which is the most important to you in your current profession and why? How has it worked, or not worked? The theories discussed this week are as follows: nature of motivation, expectancy theory, need theories,equity theory, goal-setting theory, learning theories, and finally pay […]
January 15, 2019

How can firms maximize the opportunities offered when foreign governments act as facilitators of involvement?

DISCUSSION QUESTIONS 1    How can firms maximize the opportunities offered when foreign governments act as facilitators of involvement? 2    How can firms minimize the inconvenience to their international operations when   foreign governments act as regulators of international commercial involvement within their borders? 3    What are the key differences between various […]