
December 19, 2019

The Philosophy of New Media: Thechnology

Proposed thesis: -Main claim for section 1 + proposed supporting evidence -Main claim for section 2 + proposed supporting evidence – Main claim for section 3 + proposed supporting evidence etc. So, my professor made some changes on my thesis outline and statement. My Section I will be “Benjamin’s concept […]
December 19, 2019

What is your overall philosophy of life?

Final Essay (100 points) The purpose of the meaning of life essay is to integrate your learning in this course by reflecting upon and articulating the meaning of your life, as you understand it at the close of this class. In your own words, write an essay of 1,250 to […]
December 19, 2019

Child Abuse in Reading Pennsylvania Berks County

Community services research students will choose a target population (child abuse) and research community services available in Reading Pennsylvania Berks county to meet the needs of this group ( child abuse) all the programs that meet the physical, medical, emotional, social needs of this group (child abuse) students will prepare […]
December 19, 2019

Animal Rights: All Animals are Equal- Peter Singer

This is a paper for an Ethics/Philosophy class. Paper must be MLA Format, no less than 1200 words and no more than 1400 words. Prompt is in the attached file named Essay Prompt. Guidelines and help in writing the essay is located in the attached file named Essay Guide
December 19, 2019

Ethical implications of Canada’s Medically Assisted Suicide Legislation

Paper should be 10-12 pages double spaced and must be in APA style. Choose a topic that involves a bioethical question relevant to Canadian society and Health Care. Eg you can review the new Medical Assistance in Dying legislation in Canada. Explore the ethical implications of the selected topic using […]