
November 27, 2019

Image compression by using DWT and DCT techniques: A Survey Study

Image compression by using DWT and DCT techniques: A Survey Study General Notes 1- The paper is different than a report. Any paper must include the following sections: Abstract, Introduction with literature Review, Methodology, Results, Conclusions and references. Try to rearrange your paper according to these sections. 2- Citation in […]
November 27, 2019

Ask funding to Build a Mobile Application for parking app

TOPIC: Ask funding to Build a Mobile Application for parking app (So the app will help the user to find a parking spot just my entering his location (which can be tracked using Google Maps API). This app will help the user to find a parking spot and will actually […]
November 27, 2019

Association Rule in Data Mining Using Genetic Algorithm: A Survey Study

General Notes 1- The paper is different than a report. Any paper must include the following sections: Abstract, Introduction with literature Review, Methodology, Results, Conclusions and references. Try to rearrange your paper according to these sections. 2- Citation in each paragraph. Abstract – In Abstract, first you must talk about […]
November 27, 2019

A survey on image steganography based on Least Significant bit (LSB)

Topic name: A survey on image steganography based on Least Significant bit (LSB) the topic must be about digital image steganography lsb methods the paper should include: -abstract -introduction -Literature review: is this section you must describe and illustrate what researchers did in this field, and how your paper will […]
November 27, 2019

A review on various data mining techniques for malware detection

Topic name: a review on various data mining techniques for malware detection The paper should include: -abstract -introduction -Literature review: is this section you must describe and illustrate what researchers did in this field, and how your paper will be different than others. -results and discussion: then mention all techniques […]
November 27, 2019

Compare and evaluate two database implementation plans

The following outline (unrelated to the subject matter of the research report) may help in your understanding of the research report via analysis & synthesis. 1) Introduction: a) Introduce the 2 DB implementations plans. Add history and relative significance of each consumer and DB products. b) One implementation should be […]