
August 3, 2019

American Federation of Teachers profile

1. Report on the union profile. How many members does the union have? How is the union’s organizational structure designed? In what industry(ies) does the union operate? How long has the union been in existence? Etc. (approximately 250 words for this section). 2. Report on a minimum of three (3) […]
August 3, 2019

Discuss the relationship between a leader’s character, powerbase, and behavior as to how they influence the follower’s

Gary Yukl’s research on leadership provides us with insights into the use of power and how its components can influence the behavior of subordinates and peers. Discuss the relationship between a leader’s character, powerbase, and behavior as to how they influence the follower’s behavior.
August 3, 2019

Report evaluating the impact of the nonprofit’s volunteer program

Creative Assignment Create a report evaluating the impact of the nonprofit’s volunteer program. This document will be presented to the CEO or nonprofit director and could include the following: 1. Introduction to the volunteer program 2. Description of the methods used to evaluate the program’s impact 3. Evaluation’s findings 1. […]
August 3, 2019

Critique Kotter’s 8-Step Process for leading change

Every student is expected to draft a paper on effective ways to incorporate the important lessons of “21st century change management” within the 8-Step Process for Leading Change. In particular, students are required to critique Kotter’s 8-Step Process for leading change based on their understanding of the content covered during […]
August 3, 2019

Discussion of the methods of training

Please complete each topic on a separate page: Topic One: Select three methods for training (such as online training, on the job training, computer simulation or others found in the reading material for this week). Give a short description of the method, which audiences it best serves (leaders, managers, administrative […]
August 3, 2019

Critically analyse the effectiveness of current approaches to training and development in the workplace to prepare individuals to work effectively with ‘difference’

This is the essay question for the coursework: Critically analyse the effectiveness of current approaches to training and development in the workplace to prepare individuals to work effectively with ‘difference’. – especially with regard to cross-cultural training for international assignments or for working with people from other countries. Drawing on […]