
November 5, 2019

Discuss the state of New Jersey as a factor in Fischer’s book

Answer one of the following questions based on your reading of the entire book in an essay with a minimum of 1200 Words. Be sure to include quotes and other evidence from throughout book to support your analysis and provide appropriate citations (footnotes). 1. Discuss the state of New Jersey […]
November 5, 2019

A biographical topic probing the life or career of a significant person.

Your paper can include a brief overview of the person’s entire life or career, but IT MUST EMPHASIZE A PARTICULAR ASPECT OR INTERPRETATION of the person’s contribution to U.S. history identified in consultation with the instructor. you must use at least FOUR sources and provide a bibliography and abbreviated citations. […]
November 5, 2019

Create a character and put the character in a historical setting.

This should be a historical fiction. Create a character and put the character in a historical setting. Examples would be Native American having to do the Trail of Tears, a young woman coming to Texas in 1830, a Mexican fighting against the United States in the War with Mexico. You […]
November 5, 2019

When and why did America become involved in the First World War?

Do you think it was possible in 1917 for the U.S. to remain neutral in the global conflict? What two major factors swayed Woodrow Wilson’s decision to ask for a war declaration? What did American do to hasten the war’s end? 2. What major factors characterized the “Roaring Twenties?” In […]
November 5, 2019

Discuss and evaluate person/event’s involvement and impact into history.

American History, for the period from 1870s to 2000s Should discuss and evaluate person/event’s involvement and impact into history. Ask yourself a question: WHY does this person/event stand out from everyone/everything else in the past historical period? WHAT did world accomplish – or lost, as an opportunity – thanks to […]