
November 4, 2019

Assess the laws that govern the limited liability companies

Corporate Operating Agreements Limited Liability Companies. John, Lesa, and Trevor form a limited liability company. John contributes 60% of the capital, and Lesa and Trevor each contribute 20%. Nothing is decided about how profits will be divided. John assumes that he will be entitled to 60% of the profits, in […]
November 4, 2019

Select three business-to-business messages. Analyze the messages using the communication process

Select three business-to-business messages. Analyze the messages using the communication process. The analysis should include a descriptive explanation of characteristics that would improve the messages, including the following: Descriptions of the purpose, sender, receiver, message, environment, technology, noise, and feedback Explanations of whether the message and technology were appropriate given […]
November 5, 2019

What power does a person or thing’s name hold?

In a discussion post, please explore the following open-ended questions related to this week’s primary source readings and our discussion of The Ten Commandments: What power does a person or thing’s name hold? Why does the Hebrew god, as seen through the image of a burning bush, not tell Moses […]
November 5, 2019

Exploration of Cooper’s They Came to Japan

A 1300-word exploration of Cooper’s They Came to Japan. The report is to focus on a particular theme: for example, social values and attitudes; castles; historical figures such as Nobunaga or Hideyoshi; customs (20% of course grade). Due no later than 02/25. You are to focus your efforts on a […]