
January 17, 2020

Company Policy regarding Employer Monitoring of Employees

The Company Policy regarding Employer Monitoring of Employees Formulate these policies in a single document, reflecting an understanding of course materials and credible outside research. Include and cite applicable laws for each topic as the basis for the policy. You may use federal, state, or case law as the foundation […]
January 17, 2020

Impact of Criminal Justice

Impact of Criminal Justice This week you explore the impact of the post-Civil War period on criminal behavior and the system charged with regulating such behavior. What was the impact of criminal justice during this post-Civil War period? What were the responses of the police, the courts, and the correctional […]
January 17, 2020

Discuss strategic analysis decisions in the next five years, what we need to watch out for in the information technology (IT) field, and how these decisions will impact the overall company

Using the CSU Online Library, find two articles on information systems best practices. The Academic Search Complete database will provide you with excellent articles on this concept. Discuss some of the key issues to be aware of and the best practices to mitigate them.  Discuss strategic analysis decisions in […]
January 17, 2020

Research your present or past company’s view on corporate social responsibility

Research your present or past company’s view on corporate social responsibility. If you do not currently work for a company, pick a company that supports corporate social responsibility. Are there programs or initiatives in place to contribute to the community in some way? Review and describe these programs, and comment […]
January 17, 2020

Develop a supporting human resource (HR) plan for an organizational strategy

For this scholarly activity, develop a supporting human resource (HR) plan for an organizational strategy. Research a company that has undergone (or attempted to undergo) a shift in organization or culture within the past five years. This shift must have been a result of innovation. Some examples of companies that […]