
May 24, 2019

Think of three (3) events or situations within the past three years where either a company or an individual has breached the ethical and/or moral conduct that we as a society view as unacceptable

1-Think of three (3) events or situations within the past three years where either a company or an individual has breached the ethical and/or moral conduct that we as a society view as unacceptable. If possible, concentrate on media companies or someone within the media business 2 – In your […]
May 24, 2019

Can racism be perpetuated even in the absence of unacknowledged intent?

Discussion Question: Can racism be perpetuated even in the absence of unacknowledged intent? (Use the readings Race and Ethnicity in Society, 4th ed)  to back up your answer.) Malcolm X once said he preferred overt racism (“the wolf”) to more covert/unacknowledged racism (“the fox”)—would you agree with him and with […]
May 24, 2019

Find Iowa’s Unemployment Compensation web site and research how the state determines who is eligible for unemployment benefits, how much will be paid and for how long

For this discussion question you will find Iowa’s Unemployment Compensation web site and research how the state determines who is eligible for unemployment benefits, how much will be paid and for how long. Your response should evaluate what you found. In order to get full credit for this assignment, you […]
May 24, 2019

What rights do you believe are possessed by incompetent persons?

What rights do you believe are possessed by incompetent persons? Is there a difference between someone having capacity to make decisions and being competent to make decisions? Describe the similarities and differences. Also describe how quality of life considerations, the best interest standard, the subjective standard, and substituted judgment come […]