
January 24, 2020

Identify a public health theory you will use to support the implementation of your prevention and health promotion activities.

Details: The Epidemiology Paper is a practice immersion assignment designed to be completed in three sections. This is part three of the assignment. Learners are required to identify theories for implementation and evaluation of prevention and health promotion activities for an at risk population. General Guidelines: Use the following information […]
January 24, 2020

Nursing Health Interventions for Nursing Promotion

APA formatting including intro and conclusion. For this discussion, choose a nursing intervention strategy that you can use to promote health for a specific family. Select one of the nursing intervention strategies (Self-Care Contract: Involvement of all family members; Family Empowerment and Family Strengths-Based Nursing Care; Anticipatory Guidance and Offering […]
January 24, 2020

Case Report: Application of Public Health Concepts for the Uninsured

Details: In this assignment, learners are required to write a case report addressing the personal knowledge and skills gained in this course and potentially solving an identified practice problem. General Guidelines: Use the following information to ensure successful completion of the assignment: • This assignment uses a rubric. Please review […]
January 24, 2020

The Case for Open Heart Surgery at Cabarrus Memorial Hospital

Please read Case Study 19. APA Format Cite two references – one may be your textbook. Complete the following questions: 1. Does the proposed program comply with the hospital’s mission? 2. Does CMH have sufficient infrastructure and financial resources/leverage necessary to add the program? 3. What is the competitive situation […]