
July 4, 2019

Report that describes and evaluates the JCB brand

Using Brand Management theory and vocabulary from the set text books (Keller, 2012 and Riezebos, 2003) and secondary information (including academic journal papers), write a report that describes and evaluates the JCB brand – from branded article (the original parent/flagship branded product) to brand extensions in the consumer market. (As […]
July 4, 2019

Suitable Property Management System to be installed to enable a hotel to take advantage of currently available technology to maximize profitability and efficiency

The managing director of a hotel intends to upgrade her technology systems as part of the building refurbishment currently being considered and wishes to ensure she has the necessary technological infrastructure to cater for the planned influx of international tourists. You have been contacted to undertake an investigation into a […]
July 4, 2019

Consultancy Report MBA level

The consultancy report should contain five distinct sections, plus an executive summary, that in total equate to 5,000 words (+/- 10%) in length. Necessary Appendices and a References section should also be included. Contents: Your consultancy report should include the following sections: Executive summary Section 1: Financial Analysis Section 2: […]
July 4, 2019

Assess the differences and the perspectives on talent and talent management in the recruiting process in Germany and Mexico

Final Assessment: Individual written REPORT (2000 – 2200 words) Learning Outcomes Assessed: 1. Critically evaluate cultural perspectives on talent and talent management. 2. Examine and evaluate different approaches to managing and developing talent in global businesses. In this report the main focus is the company Robert Bosch. Focusing on Mexico […]