
June 10, 2022

Fictional t-shirt company marketing campaign

In this class we will be discussing the basic foundations of marketing. Your weekly class project is to apply each of our weekly marketing components to be used for your fictional t-shirt company, as discussed in the Course Project Introduction section. For this paper, you are creating your own t-shirt […]
June 10, 2022

Marketing Mix for New Target Markets

New Target Markets Determine any new markets for your strategy and describe how you will provide value to each target market. Marketing Mix for New Target Markets Determine adaptions for each new target market. Products Price Distribution Traditional Promotion Online Promotion Marketing Implementation Create the implementation for your marketing plan. […]
June 10, 2022

Market Segment Analysis

Assignment Task Overview For this assignment, you will assume the role of a marketing analyst. Your consulting firm has been hired to help with a campaign effort for the client company of your selected product/service. You will communicate your results in a professional memorandum. There are three steps to this […]
June 10, 2022

How the use of social media has impacted you personally as a consumer.

Write a 2-page paper (plus cover sheet and reference page) that discusses how the use of social media has impacted you personally as a consumer. What social media networks do you find to be the most influential on your personal choices and why? Is social media a reliable tool when […]
June 10, 2022

How does the current U.S. economy affect REI retail operations?

Your research resources should include the REI organization’s Web site, but you are also expected to use information about REI that has been gathered by organizations that are devoted to marketing research. These organizations are referred to as secondary sources. A short list of secondary sources is provided for you in […]