
November 5, 2019

Significant political changes in the century prior to world war 1

Identify what you consider to be the three most significant political changes in the century preceding the start of World War I. To support your choices, you will need to highlight a minimum two major Western nations and two colonies during this period. In addition to outlining the changes, your […]
November 5, 2019

How and why did Germany’s role in the EU change since 1945?

It is a historic-political essay. It must contain a introduction, a body, a conclusion and a bibliography. It is really important that the essay is well structured and that in the introduction the subject is explained and that you have a short summary of what the essay will be talking […]
November 5, 2019

Compare Hitler and Stalin

A research paper Comparing Hitler and Stalin. It must be 8-10 pages long This assignment is an opportunity for you to research a topic related to the study of the Holocaust that interests you in depth. (Compare Hitler and Stalin During) This paper is not simply a historical narrative, but […]
November 5, 2019

The Rise of Demagoguery & its Effects on the Roman Republic

Papers should be analytical in nature and not merely a narrative of events (e.g. Hannibal’s conquest of Italy) -analyze the problem presented, marshal the evidence, and then present your own reasoned conclusions, which must be supported by the evidence and documented in the endnotes or footnotes. – use at least […]
November 5, 2019

Making Asian American Women Visible: The Joy Luck Club article review

Review the article Making Asian American Women Visible: The Joy Luck Club and complete the second table using information provided in this activity. In the first column, identify an example from the article demonstrating how Tan’s novel reflects the experience of a particular ethnic group. Then, in the second column, […]