
July 10, 2019

Interview on Issues in Health Care Reform

According to the AACN (2006), ” Political activism and commitment to policy development are central elements of professional nursing practice” (p. 13). . To prepare: Identify a state or national politician (state representative or legislator, senator, congressman, governor, etc.), or aide, whom you would like to interview regarding current issues […]
July 10, 2019

Guidelines to maintain a safe working environment

APA Format, up to 1500-2000 words, Abstract In this assignment, I will be describing, discussing and using examples that will help with the explaining of the following guidelines that will be listed in my Textbook on the following pages 133-135, that physicians and other health care providers, practitioners can follow […]
July 10, 2019

What metals are used in costume jewelry?

Requirements for each question: 1-2 URL links 110 words minimum about topic. There is a total of 8 questions, the first five is due on Friday the 5th. I will add the other 2 questions after the first 5 are done. What metals are used in costume jewelry? How are […]
July 10, 2019

Explain and describe Precipitation

Each question has to have a minimum of 100 words on each topic answer. This homework has to be finished on the 16th of November. 1.) Explain and describe Precipitation 2.) Describe and Explain the differences and applications of qualitative versus quantitative analysis Precipitation Reaction and selective reactions 3.) As […]
July 10, 2019

Evaluation of a health promotion campaign

Regarding Part 1 ‘evaluation of a health promotion campaign’ You are asked to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaign and demonstrate understanding of the rationale for the program. To do this you will need to firstly review and discuss the literature on alcohol use and abuse in Australia and also […]