
May 30, 2019

Discuss the ethical decisions made by Volkswagen. Will they be able to recover from this scandal? If so, how?

Volkswagen Watch the following video: Discuss the ethical decisions made by Volkswagen. Will they be able to recover from this scandal? If so, how? Compare and contrast this scandal with the more recent Mitsubishi scandal: Course Readings
May 30, 2019

What are the advantages of using NamePro or NameWave?

For marketers, brand names are valuable assets that must be selected with care. Some companies hire a specialized marketing research firm to create and test potential brand names, whereas others prefer to handle the process internally. Now “do-it-yourself” marketers can use brand-name-development technology offered by Namestormers. (Note: You may wish […]
May 30, 2019

Describe at least four major things you have learned in this course.

Respond to the following: Describe at least four major things you have learned in this course. Explain why these are important for organizational effectiveness. Explain why they are important for you personally as a leader or manager in an organization. As a leader or manager, you will be called upon […]
May 30, 2019

What would be some of the advantages and disadvantages of such a strategy for both the cereal manufacturers and cereal consumers? 

In monopolistically competitive markets, advertising plays a critical role in the competitive ebbs and flows of such markets. The monopolistically competitive firms use the advertising tool as a means of differentiating their product from those of their competitors. An effective advertising campaign could give rise to the development of brand […]
May 30, 2019

How does your company encourage their employees to do volunteer work? 

Social Responsibility Many companies today are concerned with social responsibility. They may pursue philanthropic activities and/or strive to be ethical. Your goal for this assignment is to evaluate the company you currently work for or a company of your choice and find out where the business of your choice stands, […]