
August 9, 2019

Describe the labor movement in the U.S. from its beginnings to today

Describe the labor movement in the U.S. from its beginnings to today. What went wrong for unionism? Is it still needed? Why hasn’t unionism stayed at 1960’s levels? What is the likelihood of unionism growing again? Be sure to support your stance with various historical markers, legislation, political stances, and […]
August 9, 2019

Interventions at the Individual, Work Group, Department, and Division Levels

Choose either the “Interventions at the Individual, Work Group, Department, and Division Levels” (p. 175) or “The Families of Interventions” (p. 176) from The Performance Consultant’s Field Book and provide a two – three page summary of which interventions are suited to your client organization and why. Submit a one […]
August 9, 2019

Job Identification

Now that you have selected a job, the CEO has asked for more detailed information on your proposed job or position. This is your chance to really “sell” your job or position, so you need to examine and describe specific job functions, job expectations, and create a detailed job description […]
August 9, 2019

When do you see ethnicity becoming more apparent?

When do you see ethnicity becoming more apparent? When does it appear to occur only in response to other people’s advancing their own ethnicity? From these situations, how can ethnic identity be both positive and perhaps counterproductive or even destructive?
August 9, 2019

Consider what Wachter means by the following statement: “Laws and regulations largely inform individuals what they cannot do, but ethics instruct individuals and organization as to what they should do. Ethics are about doing the right thing, not about not doing the wrong thing.”

Consider what Wachter means by the following statement: “Laws and regulations largely inform individuals what they cannot do, but ethics instruct individuals and organization as to what they should do. Ethics are about doing the right thing, not about not doing the wrong thing.” Give an example of an HR […]
August 9, 2019

What are the three goals of security in computing?

1. (TCO A) What are the three goals of security in computing? For each goal, list two controls that can be implemented to help achieve that goal. 2. (TCO A) Cite a real-world database situation in which the sensitivity of an aggregate is greater than that of its constituent values. Then, cite […]