
July 11, 2019

Economics Social Problems

Now that we have seriously considered the conservative, radical and liberal schools of thought, your job in this essay is to select the perspective(s) that you think provides the most powerful approach to the following serious economic and social problems that our society now faces: 1) An economy which continues […]
July 11, 2019

How oversea student affect the employment market in Australia

You need to think about the overseas student is a positive/negative impact on the employment market in Australia. You should stand on the one side to write this Essay and find powerful evidences to support your viewpoint. please use the reference of Chicago style.
July 11, 2019

What are some of the economic reasons why some firms choose to relocate some of their productive facilities to foreign countries?

There has been much talk in recent time about outsourcing and “sweatshops.” Outsourcing is usually defined as occurring when a company chooses to export some of its production to foreign countries. Jobs in which foreign workers work in “sub-standard” conditions and are paid lower wages (than their American counterparts) are […]
July 11, 2019

Macroeconomic current event paper

You will be turning in a one page typed paper on a current event (you can obtain your current event from a newspaper, online, magazine article, date/time/name of a television or news broadcast). The scope of your current event can be local, regional, national or even international. You will need […]
July 11, 2019

Multiple equilibria situations that are relevant to economic development

Multiple equilibria arise in a variety of situations. An iconic example of multiple equilibria are poverty traps: Kiminori Matsuyama has a helpful discussion of poverty traps here, and Mullaianathan and Shafir describe their behavioral poverty trap here. We have discussed others in class, for instance in the third problem set. […]