
July 23, 2019

Emerging Issues in Health Care Management

Select one emerging health issue from Chapter 17 in your textbook: Vaccine Preventable Diseases Bioterrorism Human Trafficking Violence in Health Care Settings Medical Tourism Write a 1,200- to 1,500-word paper on the emerging health issue you picked. Discuss the potential impact of the issue on a health care organization. Analyze […]
July 23, 2019

Make holistic health assessment of another person

You choose whether you are based on an existing health test or if you design your own questions for the health assessment. The following area should be included in the health assessment: Lifestyle, living habits, eating habits and drinking, movement and exercise, leisure and work, sleep / rest, mental health […]
July 23, 2019

Evaluation of the organization based on strategic planning analysis of Hospital Corporation of America (HCA)

Final Paper For your Final Paper, choose one of the following health care organizations: Hospital Corporation of America (HCA) Tenet Health System Mayo Clinic Henry Ford Health System Centers for Disease Control (CDC) Children’s Miracle Network Deborah Heart and Lung Center Medtronic Veterans Health Administration (VHA) National Institutes of Health […]
July 23, 2019

Effects that UV rays have on the skin

This is for a 1000 word paper regarding that effects that UV rays have on the skin, which includes, pre mature aging, skin cancer, etc. This is for a class I’m taking in an esthetician program. The way my paper is graded is 10 points heading/ double space. Topic selection:subject […]
July 23, 2019

Explore the functions of communication in the strategic and program planning processes for a health care organization

Consider the topics discussed thus far and clearly integrate at least five key concepts related to an effective and efficient strategic plan for organizational communication dissemination. Identify three challenges with organization-wide strategic plan communication dissemination and recommend communication strategies to ameliorate these challenges. Your paper must be three to five […]