
August 2, 2019

Discussion of the butterfly effect

USE 12pt. font, double-spaced, in MS-Word format and using APA style guidelines *** PT 1 This discussion board is to introduce you to some new concepts. Have you ever heard of the “butterfly effect”? Have you ever heard of chaos theory or systems theory? These all relate to quantum physics […]
August 2, 2019

What are some of the business and financial implications that may affect staffing, programs offered, and policies and procedures at community not-for-profit hospitals and large academic medical centers?

Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 300 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear, and use examples to reinforce your ideas. Consider the following scenario: You […]
August 2, 2019

Is Lean Start Up approach an approach you would consider?

Research the Lean Start Up approach and consider the principles and methodology. Is it an approach you would consider? Why or why not? Be specific and offer explanations for your position along with citations. Before posting to the discussion board GO TO THE LEAN STARTUP website & CLICK HERE or […]
August 2, 2019

How a company without disaster communication plan impacts the workplace

Have you ever worked for a company that did or did not have a disaster communication plan? Discuss how that impacted the workplace. Also discuss your thoughts on what plan you would adopt for your business venture. CLICK HERE to READ THE ARTICLE and consider the discussion question. IF the […]
August 2, 2019

Explain the pros and cons of unannounced random drug testing.

Please complete each topic on a separate page: Topic 1: You work in HR for a company that operates a factory manufacturing fiberglass. There are several hundred employees working in a variety of positions. Your boss has seen a program about drug abuse. He comes into your office in a […]