
August 8, 2019

Marketing influences on consumer decision making.

Write a four page paper on one of the marketing influences on consumer decision making. Discuss a purchase that you made based on product influences, price influences, promotion influences or place influences. The assignment needs to be done in the APA format.
August 8, 2019

Transforming Employee Performance through Effective Feedback article review

Read the article titled Transforming Employee Performance through Effective Feedback that is attached to this work order. Then write a 2-page reaction paper which includes the following: 1. Write a brief overview of each of the 8 mistakes that are most commonly made in providing feedback. 2. Write an explanation […]
August 8, 2019

Standard Concrete Products, Inc. vs. Teamsters Local 952 Case Study

Read the Standard Concrete Products, Inc. vs. Teamsters Local 952 Case Study that is attached to this work order and write a 2-page paper addressing the following questions: 1. Provide a two paragraph summary of the case. 2. Define a “sympathy strike?” How does it apply to this case study? […]
August 8, 2019

Case Study Nash vs. Texas US District Court case analysis

Read the Case Study Nash vs. Texas US District Court that is attached to this work order. Write a 2-page paper addressing the following things: 1. Analyze the facts of this case. List at least three underlying reasons that led to the work stoppage; please give specific details. 2. Was […]
August 8, 2019

“Leadership Development at Goldman Sachs” article review

Read the Harvard Business Review Case Study titled “Leadership Development at Goldman Sachs”. Then write a 2-page paper that analyzes the case study. In your analysis be sure to include the following information: 1. A brief history of the organization 2. Identify the major problems? 3. Identify the organizational structure […]
August 8, 2019

Description of the strategic planning process

Write a four page paper on the strategic planning process. The assignment needs to be in APA format. Find a site on the internet that uses the strategic planning process in their business.