
August 15, 2019

Endangered Orangutans and the Palm Oil Industry

Endangered Orangutans and the Palm Oil Industry Project Purpose In this project, you will evaluate the business decision the Tengku needs to make to keep his company a viable commercial opportunity The purpose of this assignment is to develop the critical thinking and decision making skills necessary to make a […]
August 16, 2019

Is it possible that we will have to surrender some freedoms in order to be safer?

Textbooks References: Making Sense of Criminal Justice: Policies and Practices, 3rd Edition (2018). Mays, G.L. & Ruddell, R. New York: Oxford University Press. Criminological Theory, 6th Ed. (2013). Williams, F.P. & McShane, M.D. Pearson (ISBN 0132987023). Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in Criminal Justice, 9th ed. (2016). Pollock, J.M. Belmont, CA: […]
August 16, 2019

Prison may lose its value as a penalty if it is seen as commonplace.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

Use these textbook references the answer the question below: Textbooks References: Making Sense of Criminal Justice: Policies and Practices, 3rd Edition (2018). Mays, G.L. & Ruddell, R. New York: Oxford University Press. Criminological Theory, 6th Ed. (2013). Williams, F.P. & McShane, M.D. Pearson (ISBN 0132987023). Ethical Dilemmas and Decisions in […]
August 16, 2019

What accounts for the enduring popularity of programs that focus on the police, particularly at a time when police seem to be under increased and considerable scrutiny?

Programs that focus on the police (Cops, Law and Order, CSI, etc.) are some of the longest-running and must be viewed programs on network television. What accounts for the enduring popularity of such programming, particularly at a time when police seem to be under increased and considerable scrutiny? Two references […]
August 16, 2019

Position paper on the legalization of prostitution

Students must submit a 2-3 page position paper on the legalization of prostitution and its impact on human trafficking including at least two references outside of the required course readings. Students should be prepared to give opening and closing statements based on their positions and be able to respond to […]