
August 20, 2019

How are the art and renovation projects developed by Theaster Gates examples of social disorganization policy?

Watch videos below and answer questions below: 1. How are the art and renovation projects developed by Theaster Gates examples of social disorganization policy? 2. Why do you think that collective efficacy is related to neighborhood crime rates? Would you say that collective efficacy exists within your own […]
August 20, 2019

Awakening the American dream: Kevin Maggiacomo at TEDxOrangeCoast video review

Read files and watch video below and answer question: 1. What do you think of this theory? Do you agree that wealth accumulation is the dominant goal of American society? Explain your answer. 2. React to this film. Do you believe that we can reawaken the American Dream? Do […]
August 20, 2019

Explain Professor Packer’s idea of the Due Process Model and the Crime Control Model of the criminal justice process

A classic exposition of the order-liberty tension in the context of constitutional criminal procedure is Herbert Packer’s “two models of the criminal process”. Rather than using the terminology of political theory (“liberty” and “order”) packer examined the competing values that underlie our constitutional order through two models. Explain Professor Packer’s […]
August 20, 2019

how different media reports portrayed the victim in Steubenville, Ohio rape case and how they may influence public perception of the victim

This assignment focuses on the Steubenville, Ohio rape case, which occurred in August 2012. This case involved the repeated public rape of an unconscious 16-year-old high school girl by two high school football players, both also 16 years old. The offenders and their friends photographed the sexual assault, shared the […]
August 20, 2019

esearch a police department in the United States that has created a program specifically designed to uncover and prevent youth violence in their respective community.

Written Assignment 4 Research a police department in the United States that has created a program specifically designed to uncover and prevent youth violence in their respective community. Explain in detail the various components of the program and whether or not is has been successful. What ideas can you offer […]