
September 26, 2019

Discussion of a controversial topic

1) Choose a current controversial topic that you feel strongly about. Briefly explain both sides of the controversy, and then describe your position on the issue and the reasons for that position. Which of the cultures you belong to have shaped your perspective on the issue and how? What would […]
September 26, 2019

Analysis of demographics of a selection region

Details: After reviewing the assigned readings for this topic, research other timely sites that give thorough demographic or census information. Choose an area that interests you, maybe the city or zip code where you live, and research the demographics of the area using relevant and timely sources. Identify the varieties […]
September 26, 2019

Examine the medium’s portrayal of sexuality in older adults

Complete a web search to find a cartoon or advertisement in the popular media that conveys an image or message related to sexuality and older people. Examine the medium’s portrayal of sexuality in older adults by answering the following questions. Also, attach or provide the url of your cartoon or […]
September 26, 2019

Puerto Rico the modern colony

Read chapter 4 from Harvest of Empire on Puerto Rico Watch this short documentary The Empire Files: Puerto Rico’s Debt to its Oppressors (there are two links because part I and part II are broken up. They are less than 15 minutes each.) Once you have read the […]
September 26, 2019

Explain how the key historical-political factors of Muhammad’s Islamic Religion shaped the Greater Middle East/Gulf

Explain how the key historical-political factors of the following shaped the Greater Middle East/Gulf – Muhammad’s Islamic Religion – Arab unity under three empires from 700 to 1918AD – Arab divisiveness and political rivalry under national governments since the 1930’s – The Super Powers influence in the region during the […]