
October 4, 2019

When you think of the area of human services counseling, per se, what do you think are the most important points made in the lecture that would encourage you to look for ways to use both psychology and theology/Christian spirituality in your human services counseling?

In preparation for this discussion question, make sure you have read the course materials for Modules/Weeks 1–2: Hawkins & Clinton chapters 1–8, and the lectures for weeks 1–2) PART 1: Write in 400 words About: The lectures talked about the value of integrating psychology and our Christian faith in counseling. […]
October 4, 2019

Movie and Cultural Analysis

Find at least four peer reviewed articles or chapters (from the discipline of couple/marriage and family therapy) to read that will further inform you about this group; keeping in mind the diversity within groups. Find a documentary or sensitive movie that talks about couples/families within this group. Provide an 8-page […]
October 4, 2019

Are intelligence and creativity really so different?

Suggested reading: Nusbaum, E. C. & Silvia, P. J. (2011). Are intelligence and creativity really so different? Fluid intelligence, executive processes, and strategy use in divergent thinking. Intelligence, 39, 36-45. doi: 10.1016/j.intell.2010.11.002 Zabelina, D. L. & Ganis, G. (2018). Creativity and cognitive control: Behavioral and ERP evidence that divergent thinking, […]
October 4, 2019

How is the population changing in Texas?

The writing assignment should be a minimum of 600 words. You are allowed to use outside sources as well (such as news articles or government websites). All assignments will be analyzed with SafeAssign to identify possible plagiarism. 1. The following questions need to be addresses: •How is the population changing […]
October 4, 2019

Professional Experience outline

Create an outline (Refer to the Outline Guidelines, below, for details) for your Week 8 presentation based on Week 6’s PowerPoint presentation (a video preview is available under the Week 7 tab in Blackboard). You may use the provided Presentation Outline Sample posted in OneDrive or develop a different outline […]