
October 17, 2019

Describe your project planning approach

For this assignment you will need to describe your project planning approach, and create a detailed work plan that list all required activities and tasks for your project. Complete the detailed work plan using the template below. You will need to create a Project Status Report each week to provide […]
October 17, 2019

Bike Sharing Project in China Research

What do you wish to address (the research issue / Introduction), – How will you address this (Method/Data), and – What is the significance of your research (Discussion)? All followed APA format, with appropriate use of Appendices for support material (historical background) when appropriate Grade assessment of the 10-page term […]
October 17, 2019

Individual Evaluative Summary Report on Group Presentations

Assessment Description . This individual evaluative summary report requires students to demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of Learning Outcomes 1 to 5 covering topics between Weeks 1 to12. . Follow the instructions below: 1. You are an independent consultant. Your brief is to provide a set of recommendations to a group […]
October 17, 2019

Critical review of a current debate in project management literature

To prepare: • Select a current debate in project management literature. • Search the Internet and University Library and identify a relevant article about a current debate in the project management literature. To complete the critical review, compose an essay of approximately 1,000 words that includes: 1. An introductory paragraph […]
October 17, 2019

Penetration in the school lunch market in WidgeCorp

You are in a brainstorming session at WidgeCorp, where no idea is too outrageous. You are discussing penetration in the school lunch market. Ideas around school lunch subsidies, Internet subsidies, and Internet target marketing are being discussed. As the end of the meeting, the group asks you to prove or […]
October 17, 2019

Apix Financial Analysis

Respond to the following scenario with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. Be substantive and clear, and use research to reinforce your ideas. In anticipation of Mary’s request for comparative analysis, it will be useful at this time to do some research. You know that you can obtain the financials of […]