
October 30, 2019

Recommendations for implementing a software

Many executives of organizations need to be convinced that software is an asset and not an expense. IT managers need to be able to discuss capitalization in a way that will inspire appropriate budgetary support for IT project development. For this assignment, students will analyze an organization. In an effort […]
October 30, 2019

Developing a Strategy to Build a New Mobile Ordering System

How will Personal Identifiable Information be separated and protected from the information that is necessary to complete the order? How will the mobile ordering app interface with the current point of sale system? How can the company avoid developing a website for each retail outlet? What company costs can be […]
October 30, 2019

Ethics for Computer Professionals

In a 3-4 page APA formatted paper explain: *what your ethics topic is about- *give 3 current examples involving your ethics topics. *Why is your ethics topic important to individuals, IT professionals, business and government? *Your paper should be three to four pages of body (no more, no less), and […]
October 30, 2019

Prepare an A3 Digital Poster that describes how public, private, not-for-profit agencies or faith based groups, and you as a professional, can result in the realization of a more just global community

You must choose one of the organizations or agencies from the list below. • Direct Relief International • International Medical Corps • Global Alliance for Improved Nutrition (GAIN) • Living Goods • Room to Read • CARE Education • Girls Education International • Center for Digital Inclusion • ACTED (economic […]
October 30, 2019

Apple Vs the FBI discussion

Read the article titled, “The Secret History of the FBI’s Battle Against Apple Reveals the Bureau’s Mistake” located at Write a report in which you discuss: 1. Based on this article or other topic research, explain whether you agree with the FBI or you agree with Apple. Justify your […]