
March 4, 2019

Birth plans outline the laboring woman’s desires related to her labor and birth

Birth plans outline the laboring woman’s desires related to her labor and birth. Read the following article: White-Corey, S. (2013). Birth plans: Tickets to the OR? MCN, The American Journal of Maternal/Child Nursing, 38(5), 268-273. Doi: 10.1097/NMC.0b013e31829a399d Discuss the following: The results of this research demonstrate an apparent disconnect between […]
March 4, 2019

Standardization whenever possible; adaptation whenever necessary

Essay Question- essay needs to be a minimum of 2 and a half pages. APA format with in text citations and sources listed at the end. Must have a “Marketing Twist” to it. Discuss “standardization whenever possible; adaptation whenever necessary” with examples. You should discuss standardization and adaptation at every […]
March 4, 2019

What specific patient subpopulation, in terms of gender and age, appears to be at greatest risk for the hospital safety event that you selected?

Review the various patient safety indicators presented below: – Patient Safety Indicators: (a) Death in low mortality DRGs (b) Pressure Ulcer (c) Death among surgical inpatients with treatable serious complications (d) Foreign body left during procedure (e) latrogenic pneumothorax (f) Central venous catheter-related bloodstream infection (g) Postoperative hemorrhage or hematoma […]
March 4, 2019

Stanley Milgram’s famous social psychology experiment, Obedience to Authority

Choice 1: Your textbook discusses Stanley Milgram’s famous social psychology experiment, Obedience to Authority. Watch this video clip, which contains some of the original footage of Milgram’s experiment: For this assignment, please answer the following four questions….. What did Milgram find out? What were the ethical implications? How can Milgram’s findings […]
March 4, 2019

If you had to choose between adventure learning and action learning for developing an effective team, which would you choose?

Answer the following Discussion Questions: 1. If you had to choose between adventure learning and action learning for developing an effective team, which would you choose? Justify your answer. 2. Why on-the-job training may be ineffective? How can its effectiveness be improved? Explain what have been your personal experiences with […]