
November 6, 2019


Please read the following instructions carefully. ·Read the problem statement for the cases VERY carefully. ·The report that you submit needs to be a single document – MS Word or Excel file.If you use Excel, please put each case on a separate tab/worksheet. THIS IS A MASTERS LEVEL OPERATIONS MANAGEMENT […]
November 6, 2019

Search the Walden Library for a scholarly or practitioner article in a peer-reviewed journal that deals with an ethical dilemma in a management context

One way of broaching the topic of ethics in professional practice is to focus on particular ethical dilemmas that arise in the research or practice that surrounds management activities themselves. For example, well-known ethical dilemmas exist in the field of human resources, and other dilemmas surround the handling of financial […]
November 6, 2019

In many organisations, project portfolio management is at best an ad hoc process

Effective management of single projects does not suffice in today’s organisations. Instead, the managerial focus in firms has shifted toward effective linking of this set of projects to the ultimate business purpose. This approach is contained in concepts of project-based management, programmes, and portfolios. Portfolios of different project types are […]
November 6, 2019

A literature review of key theories of how strategy is developed and implemented, and the relationship between strategy, innovation and change

The assignment should integrate theory and practice, and give practical examples of innovation or change. Your assignment should include: 1. A literature review of key theories of how strategy is developed and implemented, and the relationship between strategy, innovation and change 2. A critical analysis of selected strategic processes within […]