
November 6, 2019

Read Tensions of Organizational Design: Optimizing Trade-offs

Read Tensions of Organizational Design: Optimizing Trade-offs. Rank order and debate which of the following tensions are most important in the design of FSCJ as an employer organization: Strategy or Structure Accountability or Adaptability Ladders or Rings Self-Interest or Mission Success one page limit
November 6, 2019

Is it preferable to specify the decisions that every level of management can and cannot make or would that be overstepping authority (micromanaging)?

The authors of your second reading argue that a company’s decision rights must be addressed for a strategy to succeed.After reading this week’s article, and in your opinion, how specific should decision rights be in a company? Is it preferable to specify the decisions that every level of management can […]
November 6, 2019

Describe in what ways government can influence business success or failure. How has the US government helped or hindered businesses since the 2008 economic crisis?

The following three essay questions are to be type written and completed by class time. Each question should be answered using the Essay Format Handout and consist of at least 5 paragraphs, each consisting of 5 sentences. 1.Describe in what ways government can influence business success or failure. How has […]
November 6, 2019

What is leadership? According to J. Richard Hackman, the best way to understand leadership is to view leadership, not as a direct impact on success, but first focus on the definition of success

What is leadership? According to J. Richard Hackman, the best way to understand leadership is to view leadership, not as a direct impact on success, but first focus on the definition of success.This article describes a variety of leadership traits that may fit different circumstances differently.What do you believe are […]