Is it a conflict of interest for companies to encourage employee whistle-blowing since the firm could be fined heavily or incur worse penalties? Explain.
In what ways could a university benefit from bureaucratic control? In what ways might it benefit from decentralized control? Overall, which approach do you think would be best at your college or university? Why?
If you were asked to advise a private company about its equal employment opportunity responsibilities, what two points would you emphasize as most important?
Your small home health care service company of about 50 workers has traditionally recruited employees using newspaper print advertisements. Applications have been decreasing from these ads, so you are looking for alternative ways to generate more applicant flow. The company president has requested that you, as HR manager, prepare an […]
You have discovered that an employee has not been keeping client files updated, as is required by your company policy. Outline the steps that you would use to deal with this performance problem.
You are the U.S. Ambassador to Malaysia. In order to become a major export platform for the semiconductor industry, Malaysia s government not only offered tax breaks but also guaranteed that electronics workers would be prohibited from organizing independent labor unions. The government decreed that the goal of national development […]