December 3, 2019Will the increasing use of electronic marketing channels necessarily result in more disintermediation? Explain.Will the increasing use of electronic marketing channels necessarily result in more disintermediation? Explain.
December 3, 2019Why would an e-marketer want to create or nurture a Web site for building a community?Why would an e-marketer want to create or nurture a Web site for building a community?
December 3, 2019Why has the Internet caused such an explosion in e-business when EDI has been available for decades?Why has the Internet caused such an explosion in e-business when EDI has been available for decades?
December 3, 2019Why are conversion and attrition rates important in evaluating the performance of an e-commerce site?Why are conversion and attrition rates important in evaluating the performance of an e-commerce site?
December 3, 2019Which of the commercial and technical challenges do you think are unique to an exchange, and which may occur for other forms of e-procurement?Which of the commercial and technical challenges do you think are unique to an exchange, and which may occur for other forms of e-procurement?
December 3, 2019When selecting a web hosting company, one of the important factors to consider is uptime ratio. What is it, and why is it important?When selecting a web hosting company, one of the important factors to consider is uptime ratio. What is it, and why is it important?