
March 28, 2019

Milk 2008 Film Critical review

HE FOLLOWING TEXT IS JUST EXAMPLES AND INSTRUCTIONS. THE QUESTIONS ARE ATTACHED, THERE ARE 3 IMAGES, SO 4 QUESTIONS TO BE ANSWER. MOVIE: Milk, 2008; Directed by Gus Van Sant Assignment Objectives: Enhance and/or improve critical thinking and media literacy skills by: 1. Developing a clear and concise thesis statement […]
March 28, 2019

Cherry Hill Teen Gets Probation in Non-Fatal Stabbing article analysis

Review the article Cherry Hill Teen Gets Probation in Non-Fatal Stabbing, and answer the following questions: Do you feel that the sentence was appropriate? If you were the judge, what would you have done? In response to your peers, agree or disagree with how they would have acted if they […]
March 28, 2019

Impacts of Discovery In Court Cases

After reviewing the module resources, consider the following prompt. The process of discovery allows each side of a court case to “discover” a wide array of information relevant to the legal and factual issues in the case. Discovery can include document requests (requests that the other side produce ledgers, tax […]
March 28, 2019

Brazil Electoral Democracy discussion

Explain the electoral system in detail. If the country uses PR, for example, be sure to describe the exact type and any legal threshold to enter into the legislature. How many electoral districts does the country have? What is the total number of legislators? How many are elected from each […]
March 28, 2019

Creating Your Ideal State

Required Resources Read/review the following resources for this activity: Textbook: Chapter 15, 16, 17 Lesson Instructions Your country just overthrew its dictator, and you are the newly elected President. Unfortunately, due to the divisions in the country and the years of war, economic, military, and political structures are non-existent. A […]