
January 8, 2020

Critically explore a socio-cultural theme or theory relating to the consumption of tourism and apply it to a specific destination, population or touristic behaviour.

Guidance: In this assignment you need to deliver an individual presentation which employs a visual aid of your own creation (No PowerPoint or Prezzi as mentioned below) . The major part of the assessment is to provide a visual illustration of culture by one selected theme. For example, you may […]
January 8, 2020

Evolution of Transportation and It’s impact on Accommodation in Canada

Transportation in Canada has evolved significantly over the past 100 years. Significant advancements include the completion of the transcontinental railway, the completion of the trans-Canada highway, and the evolution of affordable jet transportation. Each of these advancements had a significant impact on the accommodation sector and the nature of accommodation […]
January 8, 2020

Aviation Security and Risk Stratergies in Australia

Description Students are required to submit a formal written assessment of no more then a 1500 words but not less than 1400 words on “Aviation Security & Risk Mitigation Strategies Students are to individually reflect and research on current “Aviation Security Threats” in Australia and what risk management mitigation strategies […]
January 8, 2020

Explain and discuss the equality and access issues within the hospitality and tourism industry

My personal Background and Experiences in the Hospitality and Tourism Industries in Terms of Diversity, Inclusion and Equality: 1. Demonstrate understanding of the theoretical and practical frameworks concerned with diversity, inclusion and equality. 2. Explain and discuss the equality and access issues within the hospitality and tourism industry including recognition […]
January 8, 2020

Airline ticket price fluctuations and revenue management strategies

A key element of a profitable global aviation industry is the ability of airlines to generate a sufficient amount of revenue from passengers on each route. Airlines rely on a team of revenue management analysts to ensure that every seat sold is done so at the maximum price possible. When […]