Discussion Question: What features of corporate bonds will determine the value of that bond to an investor? Describe the timing of cash flows to the investor and the issuer of the bond?
Discussion question: Consider the issue of downsizing, business sustainability, and the “emergence” of the hypereffective manager (see Belasen, Leading the Learning Organization chapter 6) – Any examples from your organization? Other organizations? (500 words)
What is a collaborative culture in a business, and how can technology promote and support this culture? Please answer in 150 words or less and cite references used to answer this discussion question.
Explain different types of memories and how they affect learning. According to Julie Dirksen and How can you, as an instructional designer, use this information to design more effective eLearning interactions?
Compare the tax consequences to the shareholder and the distribution corporation of the following three kinds of corporate distribution: ordinary dividends, stock redemptions, and complete liquidation.