
June 22, 2022

First, read “Blue Ocean Strategy” via the Harvard Business Review 

First, read “Blue Ocean Strategy” via the Harvard Business Review  Then, choose any company, product, or service that you regard as being creative and innovative. Research that company (for example, look at their vision and mission statements, press releases, or articles written about them in the media) and identify the following: […]
June 22, 2022

Research on how the growth of government security programs and employment benefits affect recreation and leisure

1. Research on how the growth of government security programs and employment benefits affect recreation and leisure. 2. Differentiate recreation from leisure. 3. Explain the varied views of recreation and leisure. 4. Discuss the motivations for recreational participation. 5. Describe the factors which promote the growth of recreation. The following […]
June 22, 2022

Company vision/commitment statement, logo, slogans, general reputation

Company: Canada Goose Company vision/commitment statement, logo, slogans, general reputation Are there noticeable CRM aspects in the company’s staff organization or job titles? Web site: Is the company website “customer focused”? Easy to use? Product forums? Customer Service phone numbers? Live chat? Crowd service links? Privacy Policy: Is there a customer […]
June 22, 2022

What kinds of leadership traits do you see at play? 

Source: 1. What kinds of leadership traits do you see at play? 2. What kinds of mistakes do you see? 3. Why do you think that leadership either succeeded or failed in this instance?
June 22, 2022

Use the eight phases of the communication process to analyze a miscommunication

Use the eight phases of the communication process to analyze a miscommunication you’ve recently had with a co-worker, supervisor, classmate, teacher, friend, or family member. What idea were you trying to share? How did you encode and transmit it? Did the receiver get the message? Did the receiver correctly decode […]