
May 16, 2019

Do you anticipate obtaining your DNA profile? Why, or why not?

Post Initial discussion post (2 paragraphs minimum 8 sentences) and reply to 2 peers (4-5 sentences, intext citations) Reply to kelseys and Jennifers post Genetics, Genomics, and Environmental Health Do you anticipate obtaining your DNA profile? Why, or why not? What are the pros and cons of finding out your […]
May 16, 2019

John Hopkins Statements of Financial Position Analysis Discussion

Remember you are to analyze a company’s consolidated financials. Who are the subsidiaries of Johns Hopkins? Income Statement I only need 2 paragraphs As a team, analyze consolidated financial statements and make recommendations to leadership based on your findings. Cite 3 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your paper.
May 16, 2019

Describe a chosen communicable disease, including causes, symptoms, mode of transmission, complications, treatment, and the demographic of interest

Write a paper (2,000‐2,500 words) in which you apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease. Refer to “Communicable Disease Chain,” “Chain of Infection,” and the CDC website for assistance when completing this assignment. Communicable Disease Selection Choose one communicable disease from the options below. Chickenpox […]
May 16, 2019

Apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease

Write a paper (2,000‐2,500 words) in which you apply the concepts of epidemiology and nursing research to a communicable disease. Refer to “Communicable Disease Chain,” “Chain of Infection,” and the CDC website for assistance when completing this assignment. Communicable Disease Selection Choose one communicable disease from the options below. Chickenpox […]
May 16, 2019

Issues of Immigrants Discussion Response

Please reply to the peer discussion and answer the questions she ask in the discussion. 200 words Hi! I am a senior nursing student, back in school to get my BSN. My name is Robin Mathis. I have been a registered nurse for 11 years. I currently am employed at […]