
May 23, 2019

What was the most important or relative information in this course to you? Why?

This discussion question is based on all chapters we’ve covered this semester. Please answer the question by clicking “Create New Thread”. You must comment on two other students’ postings by the due date. Click “Reply” to respond to two other students’ postings. Please don’t wait to post your initial answer. […]
May 23, 2019

Discuss Wodiczko’s comment, “It seems easier to be honest speaking to thousands of people through a monument than to tell the truth at home to the closest person.”

Question: Please go to Art21.Links to an external site. ( Find Krzystof Wodiczko and read his biography. Other links will lead you to slideshows and interviews with the artist. Then watch the video clips before answering the following discussion question: Q1. Discuss Wodiczko’s comment, “It seems easier to be honest speaking to thousands of people through a […]
May 23, 2019

The Arrival of “Them” ; Who Cares about Maria Monk Anyway?

The Arrival of “Them” ; Who Cares about Maria Monk Anyway? This week’s reading assignments are particularly rich in diversiity of testimonies from a variety of people seeking entrance into the U.S. As well, arguments from opponents to those individuals coming into the country. Your task this week is to […]
May 23, 2019

Compare the advantages and disadvantages of the two primary methods used to allocate joint costs to joint products

Discussion Question: Unit 7: Allocation of Joint Cost and Accounting for By-Products Discussion View the video: Navistar costs_experience_accounting_videos_title_14_01 The Navistar video demonstrates the company’s diligent research of all data in its consideration concerning a make or buy decision. Please respond to the following Discussion Board topic. Take time to […]