
May 29, 2019

Review of an example of a California criminal jury trial

Students will choose a California criminal jury trial that occurred within the past two years.A case from San Diego is even better.You’ll need to find one that was widely covered in the media (a lot of news articles online, televised coverage, maybe even a Dateline, etc.). You will do extensive […]
May 29, 2019

Analyzes a relevant change in the legal field

Expressing Your Ideas for an Academic Audience and Plan for Additional Research Apply what you have learned about formal language and academic writing to write your own 2- 2 ½ pages draft of an essay that analyzes a relevant change in your field of study. Your paper must analyze either […]
May 29, 2019

How can a child’s trauma history (adverse childhood experiences) create behavioral health problems that contribute to juvenile delinquency?

Introduction to the issue (this is not to be used in your paper):Youth adjudicated delinquent of criminal offenses that land them in detention facilities to serve out their sentences have a disproportionately high number of adverse childhood experiences (trauma history).The days of juvenile justice being solely about keeping a child […]
May 29, 2019

Marbury v. Madison case brief

Using case summaries available on line or the case itself (but pretty complicated so not a good idea YET) WRITE A CASE BRIEF (500 word minimum) ON ONE OF THE FOLLOWING CASES. Must be entirely in your own words and no quotations. Marbury v. Madison: Citizens United v. FEC: Summers […]
May 29, 2019

“What Constitutes Entrapment by Government Agents?” case analysis

Click the link to read the handout “What Constitutes Entrapment by Government Agents?”, and answer the questions below. Do you think that, in this case, “the government overstepped the line between setting a trap for the ‘unwary innocent’ and the ‘unwary criminal'”? Why, or why not? HSL 2301 DISCUSSION BOARD […]