
May 30, 2019

Is there a dark side to social media, please explain?

For this discussion question utilize the guidelines provided when providing an initial post and follow-up posts. Who am you online? Type your (student’s) name into one or two browsers. What comes up? What do these results say about you? Capture a screen shot of the results for your personal social media […]
May 30, 2019

Preparation for a Joint Commission Study for Ambulatory Clinic

Preparation for a Joint Commission Study for Ambulatory Clinic The Limerock Health System includes an acute care facility, a nursing home, an ambulatory clinic, and behavioral health facility. The senior leadership plans to set up committees to prepare for a re-accreditation visit by The Joint Commission. Each committee should represent […]
May 30, 2019

Watch the following video on how the Food Network® uses segmentation and target marketing to appeal to consumers

Segmenting Consumer and Business Markets                     (100 word discussion question) Segmentation bases (variables) are used to identify particular characteristics, attributes, or traits of consumers or businesses. Consumer markets are typically segmented using 5 bases, including geographic, demographic, psychographic, benefit, and usage-rate segmentation. Execute the following four steps to complete this Discussion […]
May 30, 2019

What does Daniel need to show to prove there is a valid contract between him and Night Owl? This requires a discussion of contract principles.

Question: Discussion Overview:  Night Owl manufactures high energy drinks. Last year, Night Owl ran a promotional campaign in which consumers acquired “Party Points” by purchasing high energy drinks.  Consumers could exchange the party points for Night Owl merchandise.  Consumers could also purchase party points to meet the requried number of points needed for any specific merchandise.  The merchandise […]
May 30, 2019

Discussion Case Study: The Story of Dax

Discussion Case Study: The Story of Dax This is the case of Donald “Dax” Cowart. Dax, age 25, was severely burned in a propane gas explosion. He was rushed to the local burn unit for care and was found to have severe burns over 65% of his body. His face […]
May 30, 2019

Summarize recent developments in several states enacting voter ID laws

Please me with this discussion question below? The U.S. has one of the lowest voter turnout rates among modern democratic political systems. One study ranks the U.S. 120th on a list of 169 nations compared on voter turnout (Pintor, Gratschew, & Sullivan, 2002). While during the last decade many initiatives […]