
June 13, 2019

Critical Thinking: Industry Analysis

To prepare for this assignment, review Figures 2.2 and 2.3 from your textbook and the text relative to Porter’s Five Forces of Competition framework. Consider the role of the following key forces of suppliers, substitutes, buyers, and potential entrants. Select a Middle Eastern company of your choosing and assess the […]
June 13, 2019

What you think is the most significant challenge facing management today

Write a 4-5 doubled-spaced page essay (Title page and bibliography excluded) on what you think is the most significant challenge facing management today – and why. Why is this challenge more critical than any of the many issues facing management of an organization? List a minimum of two potential resolutions […]
June 13, 2019

Analysis of Lewin’s Change Management Model

One of the seminal studies and theories related to change management is Kurt Lewin’s Change Management Model. Components of his work are identified in many other theories, so understanding this theory offers insight into the change management process. In this assignment, provide a brief overview of Lewin’s Change Management Model, […]
June 13, 2019

Analyzes the outcome AlShathry described for Saudi Arabian organizations and how productivity is impacted

Read the required article on business process management by AlShathry. Notice that Chapter 2 of your text discusses factors affecting productivity, like standardizing processes and procedures and quality issues. Write a 4-5-page paper that analyzes the outcomes AlShathry describes for Saudi Arabian organizations and how productivity is impacted. Make a […]
June 13, 2019

Analysis of private equity

This assignment concerns the idea of “private equity,” a notion that is very important to the financial strategy of firms. Many companies have recently been bought by private equity, including Dell. Private equity firms argue that they can re-engineer the firm without shareholders breathing down their neck. But private equity […]