
June 18, 2019

Social Responsibility should be integrated at every level of an organization. How would you incorporate Social Responsibility at the lowest level of your organization?

Social Responsibility should be integrated at every level of an organization. How would you incorporate Social Responsibility at the lowest level of your organization? Social Entrepreneurship addresses solving social problems via the use of compassion, with respect to the sensitivity of the pain and needs of others. Could this be […]
June 18, 2019

What’s the threat of new businesses starting in this sector?

Based on the Five Forces Model, please answer these discussion questions based on the following scenario: Due to recent public policy, the demand for health insurance has significantly increased. You have decided to investigate coming to market with a new product. Prior to doing so, the following questions need to be […]
June 18, 2019

How is managerial accounting different from financial accounting?

This first case is about reading, researching, and familiarizing yourself with the purpose and importance of management accounting in today’s organization. Managerial accounting is both about understanding concepts and ability to read and analyze financial information for internal use. Accordingly, this course is a mixture of reading, research, computations, and […]
June 18, 2019

How does raising awareness and provoking the discussion of policy options contribute to attaining the common “good”?

2-3 pagesVery few questions are raised about what “good” means. Society wants “good” healthcare, “good” education, “good sources of energy,” etc., and national discussions revolve around how to achieve that “good.” Select one of the following policy options from within one of the policy areas. Briefly describe each side of […]