Now that you have learned the concepts of database models and you have practiced creating entity relationship diagrams, let us focus on the implementation of that design into a Database Management System (DBMS).
From time to time, their is discussion concerned with whether or not the FED should raise interest rates. Read the article in this week’s Media Links. How would high rates reduce risk-taking? How would low rates encourage investment?
Read Rachels, J. (1998). The Challenge of Cultural Relativism. In Elements of Moral Philosophy.McGraw Hill. Pgs. 410-419. After reading, post your answers and arguments to the following questions. Views should be supported by arguments and discussions between participants is encouraged. The idea is not just to give views but also to […]
What is the most difficult element to lead and manage within a criminal justice organization, and why? There is not a right or wrong response to Part two of this discussion—you are asked to use your critical-thinking skills and for your opinion. This is to see what your initial thoughts […]
Find an article regarding how an employee’s compensation can influence his/her behavior on the job. After reading the article you will compose an article critique. Your critique will be at least two pages in length, and in the critique, you will include the following: The main topic/question of the article […]
Discussion Topic: The women’s movement of the 1960s was part of a long effort by women fighting for equality since the late 1700s and continuing through today. The women’s movement is now more correctly envisioned as a “gender movemen.t” Describe what a “gender movement” is and explain how that differs […]