What can unions do to evolve in this modern time so that they do not suffer the same fate as the typewriter? Please answer in 275 words or less and cite url or references used for class discussion.
Human Resource management 1. List and describe the three categories of variable pay. 2. Explain how do employee benefits provide competitive advantage to employers? *Resource 1) PPT: Total Rewards and Compensation 2) PPT: Variable Pay and Executive Compensation 3) PPT: Managing Employee Benefits 4) Employee Benefit Survey : http://www.hrmguide.com/rewards/employee-benefits.htm *Please make sure you are […]
Discuss the relative merits of internal versus external recruitment. What types of business strategies might best be supported by recruiting externally, and what types might call for internal recruitment? What factors might lead a firm to decide to switch from internal to external recruitment or vice versa?
Human Resource management 1. Define recruiting. Why is it important to treat recruiting as a part of strategic HR planning? 2. What are the EEOC guidelines that need to be considered when planning the content of application forms? *Resource 1) attached file1 2) attached file2 3) What Recruiters Want : http://www.hrmguide.com/recruitment/hiring-managers.htm *Please make […]
Fundamentals of Human Resource Management sixth edition Author: Noe | Hollenbeck | Gerhart |Wright How Gild Aims to Create Golden Opportunities for Underappreciated Workers pg 194-195 1.) Review the criteria for a successful selection method: reliable, valid, generalizable, piratical and legal. Evaluate how Gild’s algorithm addresses or should […]
What are the advantages of establishing pay rangers, rather than specific pay levels, for each job. What are the drawbacks to this approach? Answer needs to be min 250 words and 2 References